St. John Lutheran Church Cemetery a.k.a. Ridge Valley Cemetery, and also Hetrick Cemetery - Sellersville, Pennsylvania — Local Cemeteries


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St. John Lutheran Church Cemetery a.k.a. Ridge Valley Cemetery, and also Hetrick Cemetery - Sellersville, Pennsylvania

St. John Lutheran Church Cemetery a.k.a. Ridge Valley Cemetery, and also Hetrick Cemetery - Sellersville, Pennsylvania

Hetrick Cemetery. Just down the road from Ridge Valley Cemetery. Sellersville, Pennsylvania.

Hetrick Cemetery. Just down the road from Ridge Valley Cemetery. Sellersville, Pennsylvania.

Located at:

910 Allentown Road
Sellersville, PA 18960

Phone: 215-257-9643


Unusual name on a tombstone: St. John Lutheran Church Cemetery. Sellersville, Pennsylvania.

Unusual name on a tombstone: St. John Lutheran Church Cemetery. Sellersville, Pennsylvania.


Ridge Valley Cemetery has burials dating back to the 1700's. There are actually 3 different cemetery sections. One just up the road, across the bridge, is known as Hetrick Cemetery. It is full.

Beside St. John Lutheran Church is the old section. It is also full. 

Behind St. John Lutheran Church is the newer section. There are still burial spaces here, but they are only available to people who are connected to St. John Lutheran Church or Ridge Valley UCC, which is across the street.


More detailed historical information

Newer section. St. John Lutheran Church Cemetery a.k.a. Ridge Valley Cemetery. Sellersville, Pennsylvania.

Newer section. St. John Lutheran Church Cemetery a.k.a. Ridge Valley Cemetery. Sellersville, Pennsylvania.

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