Fallsington Friends Cemetery - Fallsington, Pennsylvania
Fallsington Friends Cemetery - Fallsington, Pennsylvania
Located at:
New Falls Road & Fallsington - Tullytown Road
Fallsington, Pennsylvania
Mailing address:
9300 New Falls Road
Fallsington, PA 19054
Phone: 215-741-5902
Email: fallsingtonquakers@gmail.com
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/fallsingtonfriends/home
Watch your step... piece of metal sticking out of the ground. Fallsington Friends Cemetery, newer section - Fallsington, Pennsylvania
This is the third and newest cemetery section of the Fallsington Friends Meeting. The other two sections are across Tyburn Road, closer to the old meetinghouse.
Do you have any information about this cemetery that you would like to share?
Fallsington Friends Cemetery, newer section - Fallsington, Pennsylvania.