Oaklands Cemetery - West Chester, Pennsylvania
Sign at the entrance to Oaklands Cemetery. West Chester, Pennsylvania.
Located at:
1042 Pottstown Pike
West Chester, Pennsylvania
Postal address:
120 West Market Street
West Chester, PA 19382
Phone: 610-692-3966
Email: contact@oaklandscemetery.org
Website: www.oaklandscemetery.org
The wooded view at Oaklands Cemetery, West Chester, PA.
West Chester leadership decided to cease the practice of burying the dead within the town. This led to the formation of Oaklands Cemetery in 1854. It is a non-profit cemetery.
It's a beautiful old cemetery back in the woods. There are rolling hills. It is quite unusual.
Pricing information (as of January 2016):
Burial lots:
$700 for a 2 grave lot in the Memorial Gardens section. This section is for cremains only.
$1100 for a single grave lot.
$2000 for a two grave lot.
$3600 for a four grave lot.
$7200 for an 8 grave lot.
Grave openings:
$1300 for a weekday regular depth opening/closing. $1500 for double depth.
$1700 for Saturdays and holidays, regular depth. $1900 for double depth.
Cremains burial is $650 on weekdays, $850 on "weekends and holidays."
Other fees:
Foundation permit fee is $75.
Inscription permit fee is $75.
Oversize vault is $75.
Stone removal and replacement is priced according to the unique aspects of the job.