Our Lady Of The Assumption Catholic Church Cemetery - Wayne, Pennsylvania
Sign at Our Lady Of The Assumption Catholic Church. Wayne, Pennsylvania.
Located at:
35 Old Eagle School Road
Wayne, PA 19087
Phone: 610-688-1178
Email: cgaeto@olastrafford.org
Website: www.olastrafford.org
The backyard cemetery at Our Lady Of Assumption Church. Wayne, Pennsylvania.
No full body graves are available, but a cremated remains section is now open.
You need to be a parishioner of Our Lady Of Assumption Church to be permitted to buy a "burial privileges certificate." Though a non-Catholic relative may also be buried here.
Pricing information as of May 2017.
A plot costs $3000. A headstone is included in this price. Twenty percent of this purchase price is set aside for endowed care. One plot can accommodate up to 4 burials of cremated remains.