Black Rock Cemetery - Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
Sign at the entrance to Black Rock Cemetery. Phoenixville, Pennsylvania.
Located at:
585 Dayton Street
Phoenixville, PA 19460
Phone: 610-933-2526
Black Rock Cemetery. Phoenixville, Pennsylvania.
Pricing information as of May 2017:
Burial lots:
$1500 for a single grave. Accommodates up to 1 casket and cremations.
$2500 for a double grave. Accommodates up to 2 caskets and 4 cremations.
$700 for a cremation lot. Accommodates up to 2 cremations.
Grave openings - weekdays:
Casket: $1050
Cremation: $520
Baby: $300
Grave openings - weekends
Casket: $1995
Cremation: $970
Baby: $400
St. Mary Of The Assumption Church in Phoenixville runs this church. It is in a fairly new residential neighborhood.