Nativity BVM Calvary Cemetery - Media, Pennsylvania
Photo: Calvary Cemetery, located in the Media area of Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
Located at:
Orange Street & Highland Avenue
Upper Providence, Pennsylvania
(Across from Media Cemetery.)
Mailing address:
30 East Franklin Street
Media, PA 19063
Phone: 610-566-0185
Photo: Nativity BVM Calvary Cemetery rules.
Nativity BVM Calvary Cemetery, also known as Calvary Media Cemetery, is a bit plain in appearance from its neighbor across the street -- Media Cemetery, though it is still nice.
There is no office here. You deal with Nativity BVM Parish at 30 East Franklin Street in Media.
You can be buried here without being a church member, though they require you to be of the Catholic faith.
They offer single grave lots, which accommodates two burials, and family grave lots, which accommodates 6 burials.
Pricing as of March 2017:
$1600 for a single grave lot.
$3500 for a family grave lot.
They offer payment plans with 25% down and the balance paid out over 12 months, though nobody can be buried until the church has all of their money.
A $25 permit fee is required for the erection of any memorial stone, along with a rendering of the stone's design and the church's green form. No matter which monument dealer you use, you will be personally delivering this form, a copy of a draft of the stone, and your $25 at the church.
Foundations are required for the headstone, of course. Expect to spend a minimum of a little over $200 for the smallest foundation (2' x 1').
Other notes:
Only flat makers may be placed on single graves.
Family lots may have one upright monument.
Any memorial stone must have a catholic religious element on the front.
Symbols and inscriptions that are not considered appropriate for a Catholic cemetery won't be allowed.
Monuments on plots of 3 graves may be no higher than 4 feet. This is the total height including the base. Only one upright per 3 grave lot.
Waterproofing, coloring, painting, litho, chroming, enameling, lacquering or bronzing of letters or carvings not allowed.
Photographs of any kind not allowed.
Washes front and back must be not less than 2.5 inches, not more than 3 inches. Washes on ends must be not less than 4 inches and not more than 6 inches.
Bases must be at least 8 inches high and not more than 12 inches high. The base of any memorial cannot be less than 13 inches or more than 18 inches wide.
Free-standing statues, crosses, urns, hearts, ovals, circles, open top carvings, cut through carvings, pedestal type memorials of any shape not permitted.
Flat markerson family lots only permitted at the discretion of the cemetery superintendent.
In comparison to the Catholic cemeteries controlled by Stonemor Partners, like Holy Cross and S.S. Peter and Paul Cemetery, Nativity Calvary BVM Cemetery is less expensive.
Other small Catholic cemeteries in Delaware County not run by StoneMor Partners:
Photo: Nativity BVM Calvary Cemetery. Late winter 2017.
Nativity BVM Calvary Cemetery. Media, Pennsylvania.