Eastlawn Cemetery - Ridley, Pennsylvania
Entrance to Eastlawn Cemetery in the neighborhood known as Milmont Park, Ridley Township, Pennsylvania.
Located at:
Seventh & Girard Avenues
Ridley, Pennsylvania
There is no office here.
Mailing address is:
P.O. Box 302
Swarthmore, PA 19081
Website: www.eastlawncemetery.org
Business Manager:
Sarah McCarthy: 610-566-4279
Eastlawn Cemetery in Ridley Township, PA. You can see in this photo that houses are nearby.
Eastlawn Cemetery in Ridley Township, Pennsylvania is a small non-denominational cemetery tucked into a quiet residential neighborhood. They still have lots for sale.
Lot pricing as of March 2017:
$800 for a half lot. Up to 4 burials allowed. (2 side by side openings.)
$1500 for a full lot. Up to 8 burials allowed. (4 side by side openings.)
$600 for a cremation lot. Up to 4 cremation burials allowed.
Burial pricing as of March 2017:
$875 for a 6 foot deep grave opening and closing on weekdays before 3pm.
$975 for a 6 foot deep grave opening and closing on Saturdays before noon.
$950 for an 8 foot deep grave opening and closing on weekdays before 3pm.
$1025 for an 8 foot deep grave opening and closing on Saturdays before noon.
$650 for burial of cremated remains, where no vault is involved, before 3pm on weekdays.
$675 for burial of cremated remains, where no vault is involved, before noon on Saturday.
If work is being done after 3pm on weekdays or after 12pm on Saturdays, there is an additional charge of $70 per half hour.
Burial of cremated remains that are inside a vault will cost an additional fee.
Eastlawn charges a headstone layout fee of $50. One of their people will stake-out precisely where the foundation is to go.
Eastlawn does not make the foundations. Your monument dealer will arrange this. Expect foundation costs to be a minimum of $200, depending upon the size of the headstone and whether the monument dealer is marking up the service.
Noteworthy cemeteries within 5 miles of Eastlawn Cemetery:
Chester Rural Cemetery - attractive, financially strong.
Ohev Sholom Cemetery - nice Jewish cemetery in Brookhaven.
Saints Peter and Paul Cemetery - Delaware County's busiest cemetery.
Photo of Eastlawn Cemetery, Ridley Township, Pennsylvania.