Mount Lawn Cemetery - Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania
Mount Lawn Cemetery, Sharon Hill, PA: A busy four lane highway cuts through the cemetery. Headstones are just 3 or 4 feet from the highway in some areas. These headstones could easily get damaged if a vehicle veers off the road.
Located at:
84th Street & Hook Road
Sharon Hill, PA 19079
Phone: 215-729-8222 or 610-586-8220
(No web presence.)
Mount Lawn Cemetery, Sharon Hill, PA. There are things here that are in disaray.
Too many stones here are leaning or not well-positioned.
A news story about Mount Lawn Cemetery in May 2015 showcased this cemetery in a negative light.
Mount Lawn Cemetery is fairly large, and it appears they have a history of not doing well with staying on top of the maintenance issues. Older Google Street View imagery shows high grass.
Noteworthy cemeteries within 5 miles of Mount Lawn Cemetery:
Holy Cross Cemetery - large, attractive Catholic cemetery.
Fernwood Cemetery - large cemetery in Lansdowne.
Woodlands Cemetery - University City area.
Mount Lawn Cemetery, Sharon Hill, PA. One section backs up to a tank farm.
Photo: Mount Lawn Cemetery, Sharon Hill, PA. It is nicer across the highway.
Pricing as of March 2017:
Minimum foundation fee is $350.
$50 inscription permit fee.
$50 stone cleaning fee.
Maximum size stone over a single grave is 30 inches wide.
Grave location numbers must be placed in the lower left corner of the stone.
The photos immediately below were taken on September 12, 2017, and additional photos were taken in Spring 2018.
A leaning stone. Stay clear of it. Keep children away from it. Mt. Lawn Cemetery. Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania.