Knowles Cemetery - First Presbyterian Church Glenolden - Glenolden, Pennsylvania
Entrance to Knowles Cemetery. Glenolden, Pennsylvania.
Located at:
The end of Hillcrest Avenue.
Make a right at the end of the street.
It's to your right.
The church is in a different location:
2 South Chester Pike
Glenolden, PA 19036
Phone: 610-583-1342
You can browse extensive listings of local cemeteries by county here:
Knowles Cemetery. Glenolden, PA.
The Knowles Family owned as much as 650 acres in Glenolden. That was in 1776. Glenolden Presbyterian Church purchased the Knowles Family Cemetery for $100 in 1854. Back then the church charged $2 to dig a grave. (It was $3 for strangers.)
Knowles Cemetery. Glenolden, PA.