Saint Denis Cemetery - Havertown, Pennsylvania
Sign outside St. Denis Cemetery. Havertown, Pennsylvania.
Located at:
2401 St. Denis Lane
Havertown, PA 19083
Cemetery Office: 610-446-1217
Cemetery Director: Joseph W. Zwaan
Ryan Gillyard, the 15 year old teen who died during football practice in 2015, is buried here. The tragedy was widely reported in the press. (It was unknown that he had a heart condition.) Saint Denis Cemetery. Havertown, Pennsylvania.
Pricing information as of May 2017:
$100 inscription permit fee.
Outside contractors make the foundations.
They have a blue form that is required for inscriptions and new burials.
Notes: The cemetery looks almost full. Surrounded by residential. Well maintained. Off of Eagle Road.
Other small Catholic cemeteries in Delaware County not run by StoneMor Partners:
Saint Denis Cemetery - Havertown, Pennsylvania. October 23, 2019.
Saint Denis Cemetery - Havertown, Pennsylvania. October 23, 2019.
Mausoleum at St. Denis Cemetery. Havertown, Pennsylvania. November 6, 2019.