
If you would like to contribute information about any local cemetery you have dealt with, please forward your story to:


Mt. Sinai Cemetery and Adath Jeshurun Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mt. Sinai Cemetery and Adath Jeshurun Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Mt. Sinai Cemetery is located at:

1901 Bridge Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mailing address:

1077 Rydal Road, Suite 100
Rydal, PA 19046-1712

Phone: 215-886-8430
Email: mtsinaicemetery@aol.com

Website: www.mtsinaicemetery.org

Adath Jeshurun Cemetery is located next door, at:

1855 Bridge Street
Philadelphia, PA 19124

Phone: 215-743-2524

Website: www.adathjeshurun.info

Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


When I visited I didn't realize there were 2 different cemeteries beside each other here. 

Adath Jeshurun Cemetery has been in the news for reports of tombstone vandalism:

Adeth Jeshurun Cemetery is 12 acres in size. Mt. Sinai Cemetery is 17 acres.

The Mt. Sinai portion of the grounds appeared to be a little more meticulous, and definitely had fancier monuments. Mt. Sinai Cemetery also has a small Frank Furness designed building.

Mt. Sinai Cemetery was established in 1854. The ground was purchased for the Adeth Jeshurun Cemetery in 1861.

Do you have any information about this cemetery that you would like to share?

Cedar Hill Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Cedar Hill Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Magnolia Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Magnolia Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania