
If you would like to contribute information about any local cemetery you have dealt with, please forward your story to:


Coventry Brethren Grave Yard - North Coventry Township, Pennsylvania

Coventry Brethren Grave Yard - North Coventry Township, Pennsylvania

At the entrance to the Coventry Brethren Grave Yard. North Coventry Township, Pennsylvania.

At the entrance to the Coventry Brethren Grave Yard. North Coventry Township, Pennsylvania.

Located at:

Urner Street and Cemetery Road
North Coventry Township, Pennsylvania

Mailing address:

946 Keen Road
Pottstown, PA 19465

Phone: 610-326-5426
Email: coventrycob@comcast.net

Website: www.coventrycob.org

Entrance to the Coventry Brethren Grave Yard. South Pottstown area. Chester County, Pennsylvania.

Entrance to the Coventry Brethren Grave Yard. South Pottstown area. Chester County, Pennsylvania.


This is a small ancient cemetery that was established in 1743.

The next door neighbor is Bellewood Golf Club. Off in the distance you can see a pair of nuclear power plant cooling towers.

The cemetery is well maintained.

Pricing information:

It is doubtful that new burial lots are sold here.

Union Hill Cemetery - Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

Union Hill Cemetery - Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

Mt. Zion Cemetery - Pottstown, Pennsylvania

Mt. Zion Cemetery - Pottstown, Pennsylvania