St. Michael Cemetery - Chester, Pennsylvania
Entrance to St. Michael Cemetery. Chester, Pennsylvania.
Located at:
1811 Edgmont Avenue
Chester PA
Phone: 215-283-2000
View of the St. Michael Cemetery. Chester, PA.
St. Michael Cemetery is quite plain in comparison to Chester Rural Cemetery, which is right across the street. It is basically a 7 acre field with tombstones on it.
There is no office here.
This is an Archdiocese cemetery run by StoneMor Partners.
One of the advantages to using this cemetery over other Archdiocese cemeteries is that it is possible to set certain types of monuments here that might not be allowed in other Archdiocese cemeteries.
A disadvantage to this cemetery is that it's difficult to find a grave here, because the sections are not marked and the stones don't have grave location numbers.
Other Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemeteries:
Bucks County
All Saints Cemetery
St. John Neumann Cemetery
Chester County
Holy Savior Cemetery
Delaware County
Montgomery County