
If you would like to contribute information about any local cemetery you have dealt with, please forward your story to:


Hatfield Cemetery - Hatfield, Pennsylvania

Hatfield Cemetery - Hatfield, Pennsylvania

Hatfield Cemetery. Hatfield, Pennsylvania.

Hatfield Cemetery. Hatfield, Pennsylvania.

Located at:

2729 Penn Avenue
Hatfield, Pennsylvania

Mailing address:

Grace Lutheran Church
25 W Broad Street
Hatfield, PA 19440

Phone: 215-855-4676

Hatfield Cemetery. Hatfield, Pennsylvania.

Hatfield Cemetery. Hatfield, Pennsylvania.


Well maintained. Plenty of burial space left. Uprights, slants and flat markers all appear to be allowed. Run by Grace Lutheran Church. 

Do you have any information about this cemetery that you would like to share?

Potts Burial Ground - Pottstown, Pennsylvania

Potts Burial Ground - Pottstown, Pennsylvania

Orvilla Cemetery - Hatfield, Pennsylvania

Orvilla Cemetery - Hatfield, Pennsylvania