Forest Hills Cemetery - Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania
A beautiful old structure at Forest Hills Cemetery. Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania. The structure's upkeep does not appear to be a priority.
Located at:
25 Byberry Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
Phone: 215-673-5800
Forest Hills Cemetery. Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania.
Large Montgomery County cemetery. It is unusual to see an Asian section at cemeteries in the Philadelphia area, which Forest Hills has.
I was surprised to see the grass had not been cut in a while (grass cutters were there on the day of my visit). I was also surprised to see leaning stones.
Shalom Memorial Park, the Jewish cemetery next door, which is run by the same company (SCI), was nicer. It appears the standards are higher there.
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Service Corporation International brands their cemeteries under the "Dignity Memorial" name. Here are the other Dignity cemeteries in the 5 county southeastern Pennsylvania area:
Bucks County
Chester County
Delaware County
Montgomery County