Hosensack Meeting House and Cemetery - Upper Hanover Township, Pennsylvania
Hosensack Meeting House and Cemetery. Upper Hanover Township, Pennsylvania.
Located at:
Hosensack and Yeakel Roads
Upper Hanover Township, Pennsylvania
Phone: 215-679-5321
Hosensack Meeting House and Cemetery. Upper Hanover Township, Pennsylvania.
The Hosensack Meeting House and Cemetery in the Palm, Pennsylvania area is in a very isolated location.
A big storm was coming in as I finished shooting my photos. It was at this moment that I discovered a nail was in my tire. (!) I really felt far away from civilization at this point.
Hail came down. I managed to make it home okay. Phew! The tire got fixed the next day.
(This cemetery property is well-cared-for.)
Additional Schwenkfelder information.
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Outdoor restrooms. Hosensack Meeting House and Cemetery. Upper Hanover Township, Pennsylvania.