
If you would like to contribute information about any local cemetery you have dealt with, please forward your story to:


St. Michael's Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

St. Michael's Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

No easy access. St. Michael’s Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

No easy access. St. Michael’s Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Located at:

1445 N. 2nd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122

Phone: 215-739-2358
Email: st.michaelrcchurch1831@aol.com

Website: www.icstmichael19122.wordpress.com

St. Michael’s Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

St. Michael’s Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


St. Michael’s Church in the West Kensington section of Philadelphia is where the city’s first catholic cemetery was established. Today, that cemetery is not well maintained and access is restricted.

On a side note, the original church was burned down by rioters in 1844. The church that stands here is the replacement.

The neighborhood is also changing. Fancy, new residential construction is right across the street from this walled-in cemetery.

Across the street: new residential construction. St. Michael's Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Across the street: new residential construction. St. Michael's Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Frankford Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Frankford Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Old St. Mary Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Old St. Mary Cemetery - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania